Hello Members of the Physical Therapy World,
Happy New Year! We are already busy this year.
Our Public Policy Committee has been meeting with our Lobbyist at the State House, our Representatives, and the Green Mountain Care Board to help advocate for our profession and our patients. Thank you, Jeff Albertson, Michelle Downing, and Amber Hewston for your time on this. We are working hard to help increase payments, decreased administrative burdens, and improve access for our patients. I hope some of you will join us at the State House in Montpelier to help advocate in March. (It’s not as stressful as it sounds)
We are sending our Federal Liaison Jennifer Simpson and our Chief Delegate, Amy Sheridan, to Washington DC in April to advocate on the federal level.
We ended last year with a great Annual Meeting and Educational Conference. Thank you to Joel Desautels and Elizabeth Sargent. We are looking forward to more educational opportunities throughout the year. Let us know if you would like to be part of our planning committee.
I want to thank Michelle Downing for taking on another term as our Treasurer and Elizabeth Sargent for being elected as our Secretary. It is a pleasure to work side by side with such knowledgeable, kind, and motivated professionals.
I will be headed to the APTA Combined Sections Meeting in Boston next month to represent us at the leadership meetings. I look forward to meeting and socializing with any of you who may be down there at CSM at our members Social Party.
Please feel free to reach out if you will be at CSM, want to be more involved in our advocacy, or have ideas of concerns that you would like us to be aware of.
I hope this year finds you well and fills you with joy.
Heidi |