The APTA Vermont Board of Directors consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Delegate, Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, and the Chairperson from the other Standing Committees (Nominating, Ethics, By-Laws & Finance).
The Executive Committee, the elected officers of the Chapter, consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chief Delegate.
To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each board position please click here.
Elizabeth Sargent, PT, ScD, OCS, FAAOMPT
Paula Smith, PT, DPT, CEEAA
We’re always looking for committee member volunteers, click on the Committee Name for more information or the “Get Involved” to send us your information to get involved.
Nominating Committee
Chair: Paula Smith
Members: VACANT
Ethics Committee
Chair: Emily Lourie
Members: Appointed as needed
ByLaws Committee
Chair: Vice President Serves
Members: Chair selects members as needed
Finance Committee
Chair: Treasurer Serves
Standing Members: Vice President, Consultant (TBD) appointed by Executive
Other Members: VACANT
Communications Committee
Chair: Kristen Palmer
Board Liason: Kristen Palmer
Members: TBD
Continuing Competence (CCU) Committee
Chair: Parm Padgett
Board Liason: Katesel Strimbeck
Members: Jackie Jacquaitis, Michelle Downing, Hillary Renz, Karen Westervelt,
Justine Dee, Timothy Gould
Education Committee
Board Liason: TBD
Members: Karen Westervelt, TBD
Government Affairs Committee
Chair: Julie Adams
Board Liaison: Jeff Albertson, TBD
Standing Members: Federal Affairs Liason
Other Members: TBD
Membership Committee
Chair: Jennifer Smithers
Board Liaison: Emily Lourie
Members: TBD
Payment & Policy Committee
Chair: Julie Adams
Board Liaison: President
Members: TBD
Practice Committee
Board Liaison: Paula Smith
Members: TBD
Public Relations (PR) Committee
Board Liaison: President
Members: TBD
Student Core Ambassador for Student Assembly: Wesley Thompson, SPT
Alternate Delegate: President Serves
Federal Affairs Liaison: Jennifer Simpson
APTA Board Liaison: Heather Jennings