Heidi has been a practicing Physical Therapist in Addison County Vermont. She has been a practicing Physical Therapy since 2003 when she received her Masters in Physical Therapy and then finished her DPT in 2006, both from Clarkson University. She is originally from upstate NY and received her undergraduate Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 2001 also from Clarkson University. She has worked in a variety of settings in NY and VT including out-patient general ortho/neuro/peds, SNF/Sub acute rehab, school settings, and home care. Now she primarily sees pediatric Vermont Medicaid recipients in their homes, daycares, and in her pediatric clinic in Middlebury and work closely with Early Intervention. As PTs/PTAs we are experts on movement, rehabilitation, and prevention, and she loves to promote the field and educate parents and caregivers through in-services and trainings.